Friday, February 27, 2009

I've Succumbed...

So, I've done it.  I have started a blog.  And now the baby has woken from her nap so I have to pause...

Back now and thinking that those pauses are going to be quite typical as I blog.  Having a one year old fills life with pauses.  And I would just like to point out as I begin this endeavor that I do not like the word "blog".  It is such an odd word and it sounds too much like "blob", but somehow pretentious at the same time...

Having said that, my blog, much like myself, will be a work in progress.  As a new mother (am I still considered "new" with a one-year-old? I think so!), I am certainly a work in progress.  As a wife, put a check beside the work in progress box.  As a daughter, as a friend, as a therapist...check, check, check.  And most importantly, I am a work in progress as a Christian.  Phillippians 1:6 states "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Christ Jesus".  That has always been so reassuring to me.   So I thought as I contemplated a title for my blog that "A Work in Progress" was quite fitting and appropriate.